01204 577 995

Corporate Gifts Blog

5 Ways to Use Promotional Logo Bugs Successfully

5 Ways to Use Promotional Logo Bugs Successfully

Promotional logo bugs come in a huge range of styles, from handy bugs who hold banners and flags, to animal bugs in the shape of any creature you can imagine. Logo bugs' other advantage is that they are very cheap, which means they can be used to promote just about any business on any budget.

Promotional logo bugs also have many other features and qualities you may not be aware of, and can be used to promote your brand in lots of different ways.

You can use promotional logo bugs:

1. In Schools

School Logo Bug

With their cute, colourful appearance, promotional logo bugs are particularly appealing to kids. Therefore, if your business is kid-friendly, such as a school book or uniform supplier, and is participating in or contributing to a school event, logo bugs can be an excellent corporate gift to gain brand exposure and increase positive perceptions of your company.

Decorate the event, whether it be a careers fair or a summer fete, with promotional logo bugs that suit your brand. There are healthy eating, sports and professional logo bugs to choose from. Or, alternatively, you can use bugs as part of ongoing promotions by giving them to teachers to hand out to students as rewards for good work. Kids will love getting a fun, tactile alternative to stickers, although remember they are only suitable for children over three.

By collaborating with schools your business will gain a whole host of new clients, not just children and students, but teachers, staff and parents too. You will also benefit from being seen as a caring brand who gives back to the local community.

2. At Office Charity Events

Fruit and Veg Logo Bug

Branded logo bugs are especially useful for charity events and promotions as they are very cheap, and so well suited to most charities' modest budgets.

If any local businesses are holding charity fundraisers, help to make them a success by providing them with logo bugs. They can be used to decorate the event, giving it a fun, festive atmosphere. Or, they can be given out to individual members of the office. You can even give two each so that the person is able to pass on the logo bug to a friend, and therefore spread your message further.

This will help your charity gain exposure and increased support, as well as serving as a reward for the generous people who donate and support you.

3. To Advertise Special Offers

Promotional Logo Bug with Banner

Instead of handing out flyers to encourage people to come and take advantage of a special offer you are running, try using promotional logo bugs. With their colourful and fuzzy tactile designs, they are much more likely to make an impact on recipients and actually result in visitors to your shop or restaurant.

There are banner logo bugs whose banners can be printed with information, so if you are running a 2 for 1 offer on colour pencils, or a free hairspray bottle with every haircut, for example, this information can be included on the bug. Pedestrians, who will have received countless flyers throughout their lifetimes, will be much more impressed when they receive a gift that is playful and different.

By giving away branded logo bugs to advertise special offers you will set your brand apart from all the other street advertisers, and receive a lot of new customers for your business.

4. Alongside Other Purchases

Sun Logo Bug

Give branded logo bugs away alongside other purchases to show customers you, as a business, value their custom and want them to come back. Choose a bug that represents your brand well, so if you are a builder's, for example, a bug with a spanner or screwdriver will convey your image well.

You can include logo bugs as part of in store and online purchases, so don't be put off if your business operates primarily online. Logo bugs are small and very light so won't cost you extra to package and send out.

Giving away bugs in addition to other purchases will ensure that customers remember your brand as bugs can be stuck to any surfaces, from car dashboards to photo frames to photo computer screens. Again, you can give away more than one each because of their low cost, so people can keep them all over the house or office and will see your branding multiple times a day!

5. As Part of Social Media Campaigns

Logo Bug with Phone

Because of their adorable quirkiness promotional logo bugs can work extremely well as part of social media campaigns. If you are trying to create a buzz around your business online, you can get people mentioning you and using your hashtag on Twitter using bugs.

Give promotional logo bugs away with the information that they will get money off their next purchase if they interact with your on social media. For example, you could ask them to tweet a selfie of them and their bug to earn a money off voucher next time they buy from you. Or, you could offer them a freebie if they send a tweet telling you where they've stuck their bug.

By using branded logo bugs as part of a social media campaign you will expose your branding to a wide online community, and will also promote your brand as modern, exciting and fun.

Logo Bugs

Cheap and cheerful, these are great for festivals and events

Browse Logo Bugs »

If you would like to use logo bugs in any of these ways, please take a look at the fantastic range on our website, or get in touch to discuss your needs on 01204 577 995. We look forward to hearing from you and to working with you on your logo bug marketing campaigns!

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01204 577 995

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